Showing posts from January, 2024
What tools can a croc make? Of crocodiles and sticks.
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Who granted the alligator the green?
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- Other Apps You're reading ( listening) to Humidity Dragon, that's right Humidity Dragon a blog (YouTube channel) that celebrates art, nature, and the news of it. Right now, the weather is muggy, dripping with heat while being smothered in liquid, all the windows are speckled with the air of the warming season, it's not the weather everyone likes.....not even this dragon, but it isnright weather for the alligator,nand crocodile all over. No matter what seasonal changes the environment will eventually blend into, it's the hottest ones that a Gator or croc can swing their scales to. Speaking of the scales of both species, here's a question for all you humans the analytics say read...
No One Would Have Thought this Arkansas Gator would throw such a fight. The Story of Arkansas Gator with the most fight.
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The Crocs that are Claiming Puerto Vallarta, Iberia's Croc that beats the clock, and the new "Alligator" discovered.
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Written By: Humidity Dragon. Subjects: Crocs have been causing a not so sunshiney wave in the region of Puerto Vallarta. Iberia's Croc fossil. A new species of Lizard, found in Mexico. Alright Humans, there's been a lot going on in the studies of herpetology this January, and this Dragon that lives in the humid swamp-lands is here to divulge. Yes, you're reading (maybe watching) Humidity Dragon, a blog (AND Youtube Channel) about art, nature, and the news of it.
Crocs and Bach, What's The Correlation?
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Crocodiles and Mozart, What's the Corelation? Written By Humidity Dragon. Since there's no greeting in the dragon language that says, "Welcome to the Video" this blog (Youtube channel) would hope that who's ever watching understands a basic dragon's thank you. Speaking of, you're reading (watching) Humidity Dragon. A blog site (channel) that talks about art, nature, and the news of it. In last week's article (video) the main event was how Alabama, a state that gets all the bad laughs actually saved a species of alligator! Yes, the American Alligator only swims its tail laps of victory because of the humans of Alabama's distant decade of the 1900's. Which isn't so far away in dragon years, but hey analytics show that the majority of anyone watching the internet is indeed a human. Well, for today's article (video) this channel wants you the human watching to know that animals can enjoy music! Now, crocodiles can...
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(it's another cold night at the Confetti County Super-Store. Vennie reads another issue of "Women in Science Monthly" while frowning. Sea-Glass walks over to her standing over the counter with a snide glossy grin.) Sea-Glass: Well well, look who's actually deciding to use their break time! Vennie: I know....I feel so slothy. But, working with you know who in the store can tire any-body out! I'm only sitting down for two minutes! And don't tell anyone I did this. Sea-Glass: Relax, you get a whole twenty, y'know. And the amount of breaks you haven't taken over the years you worked're sittin' on a few days worth of vacation. Vennie: Don't joke like that! I wouldn't dream of being away from this company, even if it meant to get away from....her! Sea-Glass: Yeah, totally. (She rolls her eyes.) Oh, that reminds me, Ven I'm gonna head outa' here in a few minutes. Vennie: What? You're leaving? Sea-Glass: Yeah, second...
Humidity Dragon News! How Alabama saved Alligators!
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Humidity Dragon. "Where would alligators be without Alabama? (How Alabama helped alligators.) Where would alligators be without the state of Alabama? Alligators, they are the symbol animal of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. But, the only reason why these states can wave around flags of the animal as a symbols of their nature and culture is because of how hard the moonpie state worked to save alligators! You see, the reason why gators give you humans the side-ways nictitating membrane when you guys go on and on about 1900's "aesthetics" is because during that brief square of time, gator's numbers where unraveling at the scales. They were scarce in swamps, rarely in rivers, and wilting through the waters of their environment. Until, the year 1938, when Alabama decided to save alligators all over the country! Imagine, alligators going extinct! And they were just a tail's swish away from e...
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Introduction to the news events. Welcome, to Humdity Dragon. A youtube channel that's all about nature and the events of it. Today's (video) article will not be one that's very long, though the events being orated are indeed important. Take the advice of a dragon, and research these items being headlined in today's video. Study more about the change in our climate, and learn as many things as you can about how animals all over the land-scapes are being affected. First Event. Orange Canadia Waters. For the first event, a frightnening one, enough to make a real dragon's blood run lump and frost. It's the waters canadadian running orange with the stain of human mistakes to it's environment. Massive super-store sized ice-bergs are dissapearing into a worrying melt, rivers are being "re-routed" a scientific term, and it's making rivers way up where the Moose shed their antlers turn the color of butter-scotch. There's no matter-of-scientific...
Something this dragon would love to do.....try and find Gustav.
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Premise: This dragon with eyes fuzzy full of dreams wants to go to the continent of Africa where there is or was the croc Gustav. Folks of his country, Burundi say he claimed human beings for the fun of the hunt, rather than eating them for his own nutrition. Yes, there wasn't always a croc big enough to make hippo's band together in anxiety for a crocodile, their most of the time prey, but when it was Gustav, the story was something different. And another reason, to settle the rumors once and for centuries to evolve if it's the end for good old Gustav. Has Gustav went underbelly up? That's not something this dragon can say whilst thousands of miles opposite where the crocodile swam, BUT at least, a biography of the animal can be typed with a video made. Gustav the Nile Crocodile of the Country of Burundi, located in the continent of Africa is an animal who can-not be contained by the intelligence of the average crocydilis niloticus. Why? Was he different,...