Introduction to the news events.

Welcome, to Humdity Dragon. A youtube channel that's all about nature and the events of it. Today's (video) article will not be one that's very long, though the events being orated are indeed important. Take the advice of a dragon, and research these items being headlined in today's video. Study more about the change in our climate, and learn as many things as you can about how animals all over the land-scapes are being affected. 

First Event. 
Orange Canadia Waters.

For the first event, a frightnening one, enough to make a real dragon's blood run lump and frost. It's the waters canadadian running orange with the stain of human mistakes to it's environment. Massive super-store sized ice-bergs are dissapearing into a worrying melt, rivers are being "re-routed" a scientific term, and it's making rivers way up where the Moose shed their antlers turn the color of  butter-scotch.

There's no matter-of-scientific fact for the yam colored water yet, but where there's worry for the water, there are real researchers figuring it all out. Here's the theory: it's frozen oxidizing iron and sulfuric acid. 

No one's got the bragging bag to declare they've solved why the river's running rusty, but everyone's undertood: this isn't good. Fish of the area might suffer, as well as anything that else that needs water to stay vibrant...which is everything.......

Second Event, the Celebration of the old Sea Skull.

And on a less scale-fraying event.....if you have been watching this you-tube channel since the begining you might remember the video about the pliosaur skull found in jolly old Dorset?  Y'know the one that was news enough to get it's own new-years documentary with Mr. Sir David Attenbourough himself? 

The same one where removing that thing's head from the stone was such a "journey" that could have been a documentary itself. Well, after the documentary starring David Attenborough garned all that glittery well receival, the skull of the salt-swimming monster that swam the sea before history in celebration to it's discovery is on display.

That's just a dragon way of saying, it's in a museum now. The musuem of of Jurrasic Marine Life, just a few miles where it was locked in the elements until a furtidous walk by Mr. Phillip Jacobs lead to it being the winner of last year's news.

"yes! finally!"

Random Alligator fact.

And now, here's a fact about alligators. Did you know that alligators don't hybernate...they brumate What does that mean? Gators don't get down with gusty winds and or freezing weather. (And to most alligators anything that isn't 78 degrees is flu worthy weather!) So, istead of sleeping, they use their trade-mark stillness to wait until everything around them heats up again!

Alligators can do alot, but brumation for them is a battle. It's never garunteed that they can burry themselves in ice and boast to bellow another summer about it. Gators who live where the environment can turn dangerousley frigid don't engulf themselves in brumation every year. 



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