Crocs and Bach, What's The Correlation?

Crocodiles and Mozart, What's the Corelation?
Written By Humidity Dragon.

Since there's no greeting in the dragon language that says, "Welcome to the Video" this blog (Youtube channel) would hope that who's ever watching understands a basic dragon's thank you. Speaking of, you're reading (watching) Humidity Dragon. A blog site (channel) that talks about art, nature, and the news of it. In last week's article (video) the main event was how Alabama, a state that gets all the bad laughs actually saved a species of alligator!

Yes, the American Alligator only swims its tail laps of victory because of the humans of Alabama's distant decade of the 1900's. Which isn't so far away in dragon years, but hey analytics show that the majority of anyone watching the internet is indeed a human. Well, for today's article (video) this channel wants you the human watching to know that animals can enjoy music!

 Now, crocodiles can't compose grand symphonies, but who's to say their brains can't process music the way your ears could? But hold on, we're fluttering our wings before we've left the ground. The croc being used for symphonic science is located in Germany. And the year you guys called 2018.

 How did these two Nile Crocodiles react when they were played Bach's concerto number 4 inside of the MRI they had to be placed in? Well, modern science regarding the brain scanning of animals can tell you human alot of things, but the whole question about whether these crocs actually enjoyed the musical peice isn't very acute in the final.

The only thing this event in auditory study can conclude is that these Nile crocs who originally were enclosed at a French farm, could hear and process the music. This whole thing is really an oberservation of how crocodiles and birds are similar in brain structure.

Now here's the thing about comparing two of this dragon's favorite animals, crocs and this study, it was very apparent that both of the two had similar areas of their brains responded to the sounds of the music you humans refer to as classical.

You guys' scientists are now suggesting that there is birds, crocs, and every creature with a vertabrae are less seperated than thought before. Dr. Felix Strockens, from Bochum Germany and The Department of  Biopsychology at Ruhr University  had an affinity to study crocs because of how ancient an reliable their deisgn. The research regarding crocodiles is siffled by the whole gimick of them being brick brained drool feuled by food and opprotunites to eat, but luckily there are humans like Dr. Strockens who want to examine these animals on a scholarly level.

Studying crocodilians can help you humans too, y'know. Thank anyone for reading (watching.) This has been Humidity Dragon, and yes, there will be another article (video) next week.



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