Humidity Dragon News! How Alabama saved Alligators!

Humidity Dragon. "Where would alligators be without Alabama? (How Alabama helped alligators.)

 Where would alligators be without the state of Alabama?

Alligators, they are the symbol animal of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. But, the only reason why these states can wave around flags of the animal as a symbols of their nature and culture is because of how hard the moonpie state worked to save alligators!      

You see, the reason why gators give you humans the side-ways nictitating membrane when you guys go on and on about 1900's "aesthetics" is because during that brief square of time, gator's numbers where unraveling at the scales.

They were scarce in swamps, rarely in rivers, and wilting through the waters of their environment. Until, the year 1938, when Alabama decided to save alligators all over the country!  Imagine, alligators going extinct! And they were just a tail's swish away from extinction. In the year 1967, they were named as endangered." Species wise. 

It didn't take long for the gators to swim their way to the top of the swamps after the assistance of the Fish and Wildlife Service. By the 1980s the gators got their numbers back! Yeah, they don't like humans, and would rather eat you guys, but they couldn't have had their conservation success without your help.

(Or Alabama's help.) To be honest, it is one of the greatest stories of animal restoration in you humans' history. How heart beat-inducing, to think of a time where we almost had no alligators!

Well, this has been humidity dragon, thank anyone for watching, and yes, there will be another video next week. 




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