Something this dragon would love to do.....try and find Gustav.


Premise: This dragon with eyes fuzzy full of dreams wants to go to the continent of Africa where there is or was the croc Gustav. Folks of his country, Burundi say he claimed human beings for the fun of the hunt, rather than eating them for his own nutrition. Yes, there wasn't always a croc big enough to make hippo's band together in anxiety for a crocodile, their most of the time prey, but when it was Gustav, the story was something different. And another reason, to settle the rumors once and for centuries to evolve if it's the end for good old Gustav. Has Gustav went underbelly up? That's not something this dragon can say whilst thousands of miles opposite where the crocodile swam, BUT at least, a biography of the animal can be typed with a video made.

Gustav the Nile Crocodile of the Country of Burundi, located in the continent of Africa is an animal who can-not be contained by the intelligence of the average crocydilis niloticus. Why? Was he different, was he special? Well, to any-one of his surrounding land that knew him, he was a-specially violent and even borederlining on sly, way more than some crocodile should be.

But, calling him "some-crocodile" might be calling him a dirty smear depending on who you'de be saying that infront him. Gustav, was the terror of the land his water was surrounded by. It's no egzaduration. That animal, the almost twenty footer who was morphing into a man-described master of mutilation really seemed to be the reason to issue warning to one's friends and family while setting near the lake.

This is lake Tanganyka, and with it there aren't just crocodiles. There's hippo's, there's other African wild-life, and there's the journey they all have to take to avoid Gustav. 


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