Confetti County Chapter One, book Eight.

Chapter:(Season) One, book eight.

Premise: When Ullie and Lacie have a talk of being apart of the yearly parades, they decide to enter once more.

(It's very early afternoon, a sunny day of coarse. Vructle, the dragon is sitting down watching televsion when the door opens. It's Vrum, grumbling to himself dissaspointed.)

Vructle: You guys're back from fishin' already?

Vrum: Yeah, we're back alright. We were hlaf-way down the interstate when I had to make a stop at the gas and do some inventory on our gear. That's when I saw all our bate went missin'!

Vructle: Well what happened to the bait?

Vrum: me. (he side eyes Furr-Al, the alligator who walks into the door.)

Furr-Al: Hey, I keep tellin' ya, I got no idea what happened to the box a' bait. And by the way, you blaming me for it seems very specialy charged.

Vrum: Yeah yeah....I'm orderin' some take-out.

(As Vrum the dragon walks to one of the kitchens in the victorian home, he see's Lacie who is walking smiling and very in her own.)

Vrum: Woah woah there!

Lacie: Oh, s-sorry Vrumtle. 

(Lacie shakes her head in discombobulation.)

Vrumtle: 'salright, doll-face. I'm just tryin' to figure out why you're home so early.

Ulli: (Suddenly popping into the kitchen with a smugness.) Our boss let us off early for the parades!

Furr-Al: *sitting at the dining room table with a tooth-pick* Really? Is it time for the first parade already?

Lacie: Yeah, his wife's in the parade float this year so he closed the boutique to help them get ready. 

Vrumtle: Everyone's getting home from work early today. Your friend just texted me saying she needs me to pick her up from the Super-Store.

Lacie: I can't believe he let us go home for some parade.

Furr-Al: Woah woah, "Some parade?" Lacie, it's not just some parade. Why do ya think some places have the whole week off? This holiday is one of the things that sets apart this area of ours from the whole other country. It's our mixture of traditions from all over, settled in one big pota' float stew! It's our way of life! It is who we are! The smell of cheap beer, and plastic beads being left to fester in the streets, the food cook-offs of chili and gumbo, the smell of friend onions and funnel cakes! Without our holiday, there is no confetti county! We may as well be just another drab swamp connected to the sea!

Lacie: Gosh, I had no idea this time of year is so important.

Furr-Al: It is. I still remember my first time seein' a parade.

Vrumtle: Yeah, impressive to remember somethin' that happened for ya, 'round a hundred years ago, Al.

Furr-Al: It was eighty years ago, wise-guy. And the first time ya see a parade, let me tellya. You might not have the memory of an alligator, but I'd say you'll never forget it.

Vrumtle: This'll be all our first times seein' a real parade. 

Vructle: And we're gonna do it like we do every-new holiday we've celebrated. 

Fuschia:(Who enters from the window.) Hey guys!

Vructle: Wild girl, the doors are here for a reason!

Ullie: I thought you were supposed to be at work.

Fuschia: I was, 'til Sea-Glass said the head of the place let us go for a whole week! 

Vrumtle: I was gonna drive ya, like ya texted me, Tree-Branch.

Fuschia: You wouldn't have been able to get the car through any-way! The whole high-way's blocked off!

Furr-Al: Oh yeah, I read theyr'e gonna be driving through the I-Swamp-Tail this year. 

Lacie: All this talk about parades....I'm actually gettin' kinda hyped.

Furr-Al: It's easy to get hyped when ya see all the decor, and everyone walkin' round with their dresses and tuxes. And soon, it'll be time for the ball.

(Ullie, Lacie and Fuschia in unison) "A Ball?"

Vrumtle: Yeah, I remember readin' about the ball they throw every-year.

Furr-Al: And you'll keep hearin' about it til the month's over. Oh it really is something special. Women wearing jewls in their hair, and dresses like cake-wheels! Guys dressin' in their shiniest shoes and crispest tuxedos, and the beauty paegents.....

Ullie: Beauty Pagents?

Lacie: That's what Mr. Wilson said his wife was entering. All this talk about dresses and modeling, it really takes me back to modeling. What it would be like to be the winner of a real beauty pagent.

Ullie: What it would be like to attend a real ball.

Lacie: *sigh.* Times like this I wish I could....

Ullie: So why can't you? Let's do it, let's enter the pagent and work our way into the rooms with the big-wigs!

Lacie: That would be reachable for some-one like me, besides you've got a way better chance than I'll ever have of entering. You've been all over the world, had pictures taken of you by up and comming photagraphers. I'm okay with watching you have your dreams come true.

  Ullie: Oh stop it, we can get a new dream, trying to get into the parades'll be a huge step for your career that's in remission!

Lacie: I-I wouldn't even know how to get into all that.

Furr-Al: I know a few folks involved with the parade, I can get'cha both in there.

Ullie: See! 

Lacie: But we're not even from Confetti-County, what are the odds these guys'll let us in last minute against sociallites who've been apart of the pagents for years?

Furr-Al: Trust me, Lacie doll with me tryin' to convince 'em, they likley won't be sayin' "no." (He winks and picks his teeth with a big alligator's grin.)

Ullie: *Squeling* We should go down to the fabric store and see if it's still got material for dresses! C'mon before it gets dark! 

Lacie: Thanks, Gator!

(They squeal and flee the kitchen.)

Fuschia: Hey, can you get me to ride the float?

Furr-Al: Woah.....sorry there Wood-block, I'm afraid I'm fresh outa' freebies when it comes to that.

Fuschia: But you got them in just like that!

Furr-Al: Getting Lacie and that other one in was one thing. But as of now, I like my reputation, so I think it's best I get only THEM in. (He sniffs the air.) Ah, food's here. (He gets up to go to the living room.)

Vrumtle: L-let me open the door this time, Al. 

(It's the second chapter of this story.)
Weasel and Fuschia are washing the car that she, her and Lacie share.

Fuschia: And he wouldn't even help me get in! Can you believe that! What makes Lacie and that other girl so special?

Weasel: You wou;dn't wanna enter that side of society. It's not anything you like.

Fuschia: But I do wanna be apart the parades! I wanna wear a big poofy beautiful dress with lots of shimmer and perfume. I wanna be ontop of one of the floats and wave to everyone while I'm dressed for the weather! You never thought about being a part of this whole thing? And I wanna be apart of the ball.

Weasel: I was apart of....something similar. Back in the blue.

Fuschia: What? Why would you never tell me?

Weasel: it's not healthy to revisit my life's worst trauma.

Fuschia: Trauma? How could getting dressed up be----

Weasel I would have asked the same thing, until I got to enter the whole thing, and I realised the pool of venom I was jumping into. Folks can be mean, let alone when the theme of the whole culture is competition. 

Fuschia: Well that was there, and now we're here! The culture here is totally different on both coasts, so the pagents and parades have gotta be---

Weasel: The egzact same. Nothing's diffrent between the two besides the accents and customs. Women pitted against each other will always be the same. trust me Fuschia, that alligator did you a favor. Let's get some gilatto. I think the car's rinsed enough.

Fuschia: You can get some gilatto! I'm gonna figure out how I can get into that parade!

(Fuschia walks inside the house, where she sees Vrumtle sitting down painting with water-color. He sees Fuschia before he sees her grumpy determination.)
Vrumtle: Aha! There ya are, Wild-girl! You're just in time to join me with my weekly water-color. Tell me how you feel about this new color I's called "Chartruse."

Fuschia: I'm too mad to paint, Vrumtle.

Vrumtle: Mad? What could ya be mad about, Wood-chips?

Fuschia: I'm mad about the parades and how Furr-Al wouldn't try to pull any-strings to get me to be apart of.

Vrumtle: Oh that, huh? Well, ya gotta try to see things the way he does. It's Lacie's second chance at her career-

Fuschia: And he's scared that I'll mess Lacie's career by being apart of the parades with her?

Vrumtle: It's not that it's.....

Fuschia: He dosen't think I'm parade material? Well I live in Confetti-County just like Lacie does now, and just like every-body else! I'm seriouse about this, I'm gonna find a way to get in. Who knows, they might even pick me before they pick Lacie or Ullie!

Vrumtle: Well Wild-Girl, just because he didn't give ya special treatment dosen't mean you can't try your own method.

Fuschia: Yes....but I don't know who I should talk to.

Vrumtle: It ain't about talkin' doll it's about lookin'. And if this place a' humans is anything like the dragon world, you're less of a looker and more of a fixer upper.

Fuschia: What?

Vrumtle: It's the gloss darlin' ya gotta get the gloss! Y'know, if ya want, I could drum up Vructle and we could style ya.

Fuschia: You two style me?

Vrumtle: Ya should be flyin' loopty loops at the chance. Our mother was quite the butterfly before she setled down with all of us. She attened every-event where we lived! And we've seen her assistants and personal makeup artists be sure to make her talk of every-era! Just let us work, and you'll get plenty of it!

*The scene fades to Fuschia, sitting infront of a mirror with the two dragons wondering how to start her transformation.*

Vructle: Acorn, ya went to the right place, goin' along with Vrum and me! I used to have a side gig as a make-up artist for the up and comming dragons of the theater back a few centuries. 

Vrumtle: I'd say you're a spring in terms of color. Try these. 

vructle: And as for your make-up....I think we should go subtle. You've got such soft features, anything too bold would be distasteful distraction.

Vrumtle: No no! Pagents need attention! And striking dark colors are the right message of "I take chances," to demand it from the judges.

Vructle: And everyone's laughing! She needs normal neutral coloring! 

Vrumtle: We'll try it your way with the make-up, but I get to lead with her hair! And I say, we should straighten it and try for Beach-Waves.

Vructle: That's's not what i would go with, but it's your deal after-all.

Vrumtle: So what would have gone with, wise-ass!

(The two argue, while the scene fades. It's the next day and we see Lacie and Ullie giggle and frolicking all over the room.)

Vructle: That's right, you never seen a real parade holiday before, have ya?

Ullie: None of us did. 

Vrumtle: Well I guess we're all about


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