Characters from

Two traveling dragon brothers, Vrumtle and Vructle have made their debute into the world of circus dragons many centuries before, and now wish to live their retirment in a place where dragons are shrugged off as myth and fantasy. They chose Confetti-County, a small port city just big enough to have the essentials as a toruist attraction for it's sea-food and coastal culture, but small enough where most of its citizens would rather go about their days in their own ignorance. The two have got it made, alongside their manager named Wyvern who just so happens to be their younger brother. However, after attending a traveling fair they see a young woman down on her luck. Vrumtle invites her to stay for the night "or just until she gets back on her feet" and suddenly, the two learn just how much adventure humans can be!

Vrumtle and Vructle: A dragon, and identicle to his brother whomst he made alengthy living, traveling and doing acrobatic flying tricks with. 

Wyvern: Vrum and Vruc's younger brother and their manager. He's a silent wyvern and very good with money.

Lacille Frills: A young woman who has big ambitions of being a model. She is classically beautiful with curves, dark eyes and long natural hair, yet her career is a as shiny as swamp-water. She learns that the traveling fair she works for is closing out of business, and is seen crying with her head in her manicure, when Vrumtle offers her a few nights at their newly bought victorian mansion. Though Lacie has an older brother she is not very close to him, she has an aunt who passes in and out of health crises, and she is quite far away from the both state-wise. She like many other millenials believed that moving out of the house as soon as she was old enough to get a full-time job and live on her own was the key to cookie printed sucess. 
"Lacie" is hardworking, although a bit materilastic and ready to fall for cheesy compliments. She has abnormal strength, and a type-A personality, though she is not at all domineering or rude about it. Lacie is great with directions, book-smart, always willing to see the good in others, and a great teacher always ready to guide some one through a task most would consider confusing. 
She made good grades in college, and even earned a scholarship.

Fuschia A. Wildtree: A young woman who was "raised" by woodland animals. She ran away from her home which was filled with constant agruing and robust clashing and found her solace in the woods of her original state of residence. Fuschia is inginutive, atuned to nature and her surroundings, creative, and adepth at drawing, reading, and painting. However, her skills did not translate so well to those who only see her hyper-activity, heavy fixations on certain subjects, and her social weltings that do so puzzle most who don't under-stand her. Due to her constant figeting, lack of eye contact, and pailing social skills most wrote her off as "stupid" or un-motivated. However, Fuschia has a consistant knowledge of all her pasions and is always ready to lend a hand or smile to anyone who asks. Fuschia's faults however, are her disgust for following traditions, quick disdain to question rules, and even balking at the idea of societal norms purley out of self protection. 
She meets Lacie in the second book of the series, rail-hopping and lands in Confetti after living in a state where most of the population were humans, polar bears, and Moose.

Weasel: A Weasel woman whomst was self proclaimed "best friends" with Fuschia growing up. Weasel, was raised by her father along with her elder brother in the state of constant snow and mild humid winters. Weasel and Fuschia are close and have known each other for almost twenty years. Weasel is the most level headed of the two women. Her skills are nurturing and giving advice, as well as arhcery, fixing cars, hunting, fishing, and sports. Weasel wears a dress with a bow in her ear for most of the books, and it's her signature look. 

Vruc and Vrum's brother who is a "mute" character, though he is seen as being incredibly charismatic and financially literate. (He's the one that helped them pay for their new mansion.) According to Vrum, if it wasn't for Wyvern, they may have blown all their earnings in the circus!

An over-weight money hungry, but business savy dragon who takes after their father. The younger brother to Vruc, Vrum and Wyvern, calls the two "Double-Dragons" and makes fun of their circus career, seeing himself as smarter than the two of them. He is his father's favorite son, and makes flying ships for a living, thus gaining their already well off family's favor by making them even richer.

Wyvern, Vruc, Vrum, and Zeel's mother. Kind, nurturing, but no-nonesense, she is glamourous and once had a career in vaudville stlye acting and singing, until she got pregnant and decided her family was what she wanted to focus on the most. Though, she bemoans about how much she does miss her former career. Weenina has a humanoid face, compared to her husband and sons who all have snouts. She has slick green skin, long blue-ish purple hair, and always had heavy eye-shadow and red lips. She has retractable wings, a tail less noticable than the rest of her family, and is seen frequently smoking a long fancy cigarette. She talks in an old-timey accent calling others, "dah-ling." She also has a love of hard-liquor, as she can't suffer hang-overs since she's a dragon.

Wyvern Sr:
A busniness dragon who has out-dated views on anything that's not a busniess dragon like himself.

Vennie Smedley: A human, and manager of the city's only super-store. Vennie is a slender woman with orange hair that goes from chin length to shoulder length, and garnished by large circular glasses. Vennie has no time for Fuschia's "antics" and strongly dislikes her. Vennie holds great disgust for Fuschia for always clocking in late, forgetting her assignments at work, or her very scattered approach to how she does things. Vennie is the assistant co-manager, a title she takes so seriousley she always dresses in her work uniform, even when she isn't working (which isn't very often,) as she is so determined to rise through the ranks and impress the franchise owner that she chooses to work seven days a week for twelve hours a day.
Vennie comes from an incredibly accomplished family, with two of her older sisters being a bio-chemitst, and her other sister being an engineer, and her mother being a micro-bilogist, not to mention her father, the brain surgeon. Vennie enjoys doing calculous in her spare time, as well as reading science magazines. 

Sea-Glass: The only manager above Vennie at the Confetti-County Super-Store. Sea-Glass, daughter of the infamous pirate who sails the seven swamps is far too easy going for the job she has. Sea-Glass moves as gentle as a wave, with long blonde hair often held up by a scrunchie, and jewlery all over her ears and fingers. Sea-Glass is very quick to smiling and is almost never seen with a frown. Her mellow-ness is the only thing that has kept the store in line. She also has a second job across town as a waitress at a restaraunt on the beach. Sea-Glass is revealed to be a mermaid in one book with a long orange tail.

Dr. Lavender
Dr. Lavender is a short, highly knowledgable medical doctor who is far more adepth in the feild than any other doctor in town. She is passionate about studying diseases and anatomy, even if she is a bit stoic. Dr. Lavender is an African American woman who wears round glasses and has very curly natural hair with a flower held in her puff-ball pony-tail. 

Ullioshie: Lacie's friend who also dreamnt of being a model. Ullie, however actually by luck acheived her dreams. Ullie has done everything Lacie has grasped at. Also unlike Lacie, Ullie can use magic. (And she's good enough at it to draw attention from the dragons.) Ullie has light melon colored hair and melon colored eyes. She, unlike Lacie does not want to see the good in anyone. Ullie is quick to judge someone for something as little as their fashion sense or music taste. She frequently tells Lacie that they both are too good for the town of Confetti and tries to get her to run away from her new-found friends. Ullie's career turns to a halt or "dry spell." 

A calm hippie-esque woman who runs an herbal tea and natural shop in the middle of town. She is of coarse, slow to stress, and has short red-blonde hair with long rectangle glasses that sit on the bridge of her long nose. She wears scarves and long sleeves to compliment her mellow nature. 

Boss Beaver Forest Capitalist: The head honcho of where most of the business as far as animals go around town. Boss Beaver wears a tie, and smokes a fat cigar even in doors. Boss-Beaver is a hard-core money grubber and will even destroy the already dwindling natural areas of his region. 

The Nurse of Roo.
A kangaroo who works at the hospital in Confetti-County.

An old grumpy kangaroo who complains about anyone younger than he is. He spends his days angry that the newspaper industry is wilting, even more upset that "young folks don't want to work" anymore, and can be seen grumping about how the coffee restaurants are over-taking diners. 

Fur-Al "Alfred" The Alligator.
Alfred is a grumpy gator who can't start the day without his cofee, or cigar. He wears loud floral shirts that hold the key to his personality. He owns the victorian mansion that he sold to the dragons. He has a history of being an adventurer way back before electricity was a house-hold thing, and is older than Confetti-County's written history. Though he's bounced from job to job until eventually saving his money to owning his own convinience store with driving a taxi service on the side for a while, he's now an established home-owner with other odd jobs. He only tolerates most humans, but has a soft spot for Lacie, and patience waning for Fuschia, a human whom he espechially can't understand.

Dr. Polar Bear:
A Dr. whomst is....just a bear.

Mrs. Bright Leaves:
A red panda who owns the library, with her friend, another elderly female racoon. They enjoy brewing tea, and it is later revealed that they are magic witches.

Lamb: A woman with volcanic powers raised by sheep. She has volcanic powers and lived on an island where she was worshiped as a goddess by the locals hundreds of years ago. She wears a choker like necklace to keep her emotions stable. Lamb has brown skin and long wavy jet-black hair. She has shy demeanor and doesn't like to cause any trouble. How-ever when her choker comes off, she will make the sky rain with lava, and she rejoices in chaos. 

                                                                 BOOKS IN THE SERIES.

Vrumtle and Vructle need a place to retire, they chose Confetti County, a dry sea-side town to live in comfort and luxury. They have to disguise themselves though, as to blend in with the humans who've never seen dragons! They think they've got it smooth flying, until the they meet a down on her luck Lacie! Much to the more rational Vrumtle's dismay at Vruc's eagerness to shelter some way-ward woman, she begins to loudly tell the town how her nice new friends have given her a head start after getting fired from her job at the state-fair. However, the two draw the line making her stop telling everyone they housed her. They agree to still help her, but they assist her with finding a new job.

With job hunting not so easy, Lacie is out of the house every morning to still eagerly search. However, when a woman falling from a hill saves her from a dangerous encounter with a bear Lacie can't just walk away without thanking her. Lacie dosen't want to, but this wild looking "Fuschia" just saved her skin, after-all. Lacie, falls alseep due to her waking up everyday at dawn to find a job, and Fuschia unfourtunetly discovers the truth....Vructle and Vrumtle are dragons! Luckily, they are kind dragons at that, and agree to help the two women get back on their feet together with help from their "friend" who's really the land-lord Alfred the Alligator.

Ullioshi is Lacie's friend that has been through the thickest of rain-storms and the thinnest of shelter scarcity with her until Ulli got the modeling career they both had always dreamed of. It's a suprise to Lacie that out of all the areas Ulli could have went to between gigs, she chose to stay with Lacie and the dragons. Very disapointed at how Lacie lives with anyone who dosent follow trends, or anything else but magazines that determine the drum-beat everyone should march to, Ulli tries to convince Lacie to travel with her and try to re-vamp the modeling dreams the two of the always shared. Fuschia can smell the mean-ness on Ulli, a woman who gets away with her ugly behavior because of how attractive she looks, but won't say anything about it.
Lacie knows Ulli's changed alot since they were both just starting out, and will have to confront her about it. How will it go down? Lacie won't risk everything she worked hard for, on a 20/100 chance to catch some new fashion-designer's eye when she has a stable job, an opprotunity to go to school again, and a roof over her hair. Fuschia is quite suprised to see Lacie confront her on berating others for not being fashonable, and tells Ulli that her personality has soured since gaining success. Ulli refuses to fold entirley but silences her catty remarks about Fuschia espechially for the time being.
Ulli does reveal a secret she's been keeping: she's not between modeling jobs, she hasn't had a pay-check in months, and her money is thining quickly. Lacie offers Ulli a job where she works at, and the prideful Ulli has near no choice but to agree. Just when the story seems to be wrapping, a mysterious travling weasel announces that she's come across the continent to find out where her "best friend" Fuschia has been!

For punnishment for being late to work four times in a row in only one month, Fuschia has to train the new employee, the only problem: the new "employee" is Fur-Al The Alligator! And the reason why he's there is to make more money to repay some-one he owes.


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