Why Alligators are BETTER than you.

 Article:Why Alligators are better than you! C.2024. Humidity Dragon.

Why Alligators are better than you.
Written by a dragon.
(Humidity Dragon, that is!)

Premise: A dragon tells humans why alligator are better than them.

Alright, from what the internet analytics say, most who use the internet are human beings. And that's okay, no one can chose how they're hatched----uh----born! Oh yeah, humans are the ones born with the belly buttons....meaning they are grown inside their mothers. There's nothing wrong with being a human. Humans do great things. Like, need fabric to stay warm, or fires to stay warm, or avoid being in day-light so they can stop being warm......because believe it or not, that's bad for them too. We don't like to talk about it, but we animals have respect for humans that goes nerves deep. Humans are a walking success story after all.

Now matter how much a grudge my kind holds against them, humans are a fragile force to reckoned with.


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