Characters from "The Adventures of Crocess Cenelofie, Lone Human to Lead the Crocs and Gators of the E.C.T.O.R. Ship.

Cenelofie Of The E.C.T.O.R.:

Once a down on her luck human waiting on big important figures at a 24 hour restaraunt, trained to be belittled and mistreated, Cenelofie was ridiculed for knowing that she meant to be something different. While the rest of the staff was from all walks of life, they were all taught from birth to adhere to the big-wigs and smile when being berated. Not Cenelofie, she dreamed of a life of flight. Flying machines and exploring. She was considered an oddball, and a ditz by her giggling fellow waitresses, until by chance she served a shady busnies creature who was ready to literally eat her for getting an order wrong due to lack of sleep. When she throws her tray at him in self defense, she vanuqished the bratty business-man rendering him momentarily unable. Turns out, this guy was an enemy of Commander Hyperspeed Hippo, who owns a fleet of exploration ships. He wants Cenelofie to be the helm of his ship the E.C.T.O.R. The only issyue, it's full of crocs and alligators who refuse to take orders from something that dosen't even lay eggs!
Cenelofie has hair the color of a lawn in the summer-time, and eyes the color of a blooming pink dog-wood flower. She has skin the color of a trendy latte, and the impulse control thin as the air the ship sails high in. She raised herself essentially, being taught that she's only as good as a number. She went from living at her work facility in the basment with other women and only earning "sleep time" as opposed to real money. 
When she starts her new career of being the helm of a real ship, she's lazy, corner cutting, quick to frustration and can't even speak the crocodilian language. However, as the books grow in volumes so does her awareness and concern for her new crew. 

Oh, 2nd-Gator where do we even begin? Scutte-Gator Osteoderming Algea-Basin Swamp-Water The Eleventh was many things before he was Commander Hippo's second in command. He was hatched on a tannery, before being rescued by Captain Gator, a famous explorer who just happened to be his father. Scute-Gator was raised on his father's ship along-side his three dragon "brothers" who he grew up with before being rescued in the tannery. He was able to read and write before his sibblings could, and by the age of five he was balancing his father's taxes. He had dreams of seeing things he never thought he would, and used his chance of being rescued to make sure he would be the greatest alligator explorer since his father, the albino alligator Fred-Gator. 
Which is what makes his story so gratingly un-fortunate. Rumor around the ship was that 2nd Gator was in line to be the commander's next helmsman. Of coarse that was cindered to ashes when some human got to fly the wheel. Rather than being bitter, 2nd-Gator would make use of his knowledge and teach the human with needle thin attention span. He's made it his mission to ensure the "Crocess" dosen't mess up any of the ones Hippo gives out. 

Commander HyperSpeed Hippo.

Where would this whole series be if it weren't for old Hyperspeed himself? He's the commander of his fleet, and his favorite ship of them all, the E.C.T.O.T.R. Commander Hippo is a man of many responsibilities and only a few he's sober enough to remember about.


Shot-Gator boarded the ship as just another hire, but would make herself known to be the most able gator the ship had ever seen. She can fire the weapons, she can fly the ship, she's the best hunter they ever had, and she's also the most modest. All business and no brag, Shot-Gator has a hard time speaking when not spoken to, or even expressing herself in the most basic way. Though spending time with the socially un-aware and brazenly opinionated Cenelofie, and the emotionally intilligent, composed, and knowledgeful 2nd-Gator begins to bring old "Shottie" out of her shell.

A disgraced Princess from a kingdom where she used all her father's credit cards to swing the king's empire into poverty. Sent away for punishment, she find Cenelofie and uses her status as a real royal to toy with Cenelofie's awe. It also helps that she's great at acting like the princess she SHOULD be only when the chops get her only so far until her real personality shines through and rotten under her beautiful regal dresses. She is beautiful winning all four chambers of most males on board. 

Chef Swampo:
The Chef on board from the swamp regions (as he was named after.) Swampo is an older gator, who wastes no time cracking crass jokes about humans. 


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