When and Alligator and Croc walk into the same enclosure....

 When an Alligator and Croc walk into the same enclosure.

They've both got it all, teeth to easily relegate any human's bones to blobs and blood-clots, eyes that can track anything even in clouded lightless nights, a roar that can shake the flimsy bridges built above their algae coated bodies of water, and a bite force that could out-rank a killer whale. 

The Alligator and The Croc, both of them roll their nictating membranes at that stomach ache of a comparison they'll both unshruggably hear, but only can bite the other back to the waters they belly crawled from. Of coarse, the one to bring home the brag of the two would be, The Croc. 

But why? Between both species' tails and osteoderms, theirs a rivalry and it's stingingly personal.                                                                This is the turbulent recollection of a then new croc in her then news enclosure, it was a spacious area though dripping with artificiality everywhere. This is the account of Brimm Scales.  She is an American Crocodile.  She didn't know anything about those humans she saw but she knew they were viral in population. This YouTube channel in journalistic intentions only spoke to her just the other day to get the information to tell her story, and she said that since she could tare the shell apart in her egg she could hear the sounds she'd later know as the humans and all their machinery.                                                      The story of her relocation made electric articles international, but it was anything far away from bizarre, or headshaking worthy. Crocodiles are climbing the numbers and have been since the temperatures everywhere are now promoting more egg laying.                                                                                                                                                                             

 She heard the news being reported while she was being tied with tape in both limb and jaw, those humans had the nerves to call her a problem croc! Depending on whose side of the surface you're viewing her story from, this dragon urges the viewer to watch the entire video to see who is causing the annoyance                                            

There is silent resentment between alligators and crocodiles. According to.                            Crocodilian conservation is oozing at the teeth with the stories of alligators. The news reports on the Internet or local news papers are stuffed at the stitches with sugar crusted blabber if alligators being rescued from trash cans or swimming areas or being put in an enclosure with other alligator successes.           

 Says it makes her scales crawl with anger, why should the gators get all the attention? Half of the citizens of the United States of America don't even know of the endemic species of croc their water ways used to be floating with. That's the name of a group of crocodiles by the way. A float.                                                                          Any group of crocodiles together whether they be, the Crocodylus   Porosus of the billabongs of Australia, or The Crocs where the waters are fresh, the morlet's crocs that frequent the waters south Ameircan, a float is a float. 

Not until the summer of 2023, it's been other species of crocs that win the electric headlines. Maybe that's because the American Crocodile is one of the most threatened species of Crocodiles. Sure, this summer there was all this mix of news about crocodiles to paraphrase the internet, "making a come-back," especially the American croc, and that could be because while the Saltie had their conservation laurel in Australia and Asia, as well as the America alligator touting victory on its snout several decades ago, the America croc still has a way to swim to catch up to the others.

Any crocodile anywhere will tell you that a motion of the tail is still a start to the depths of any water. That's a metaphor meaning, that any start to anything is all that matters. The meter measuring the dappling of American crocodiles' rise to abundance is a slow glide in the water.

Oh yes, forgot to mention, that's where her story takes place, or least the start to the new era of her life. The era when croc numbers began to expand in the tropical heat as they should. Crocodiles love the temperature's climb. The summer of the year 2023.  They need it heat to balance the temperature of their own insides. The time her story takes place in is whenThe ectothermic species was really gathering the strength in numbers which is great for a dragon who likes to write article after article about crocodilian acheivements, but distressing for most humans.

It's dangerous for crocodiles to be around them, humans this dragon means. Crocodiles kill more humans than any other aquatic animal. The Nile and saltwater take the title of tearing humans to death mainly, but with the rise of the American crocodiles swimming fear for the shores of Florida are becoming prevent.                                    

 Brimm Scales tells this story with a wide grinning snout. They may have had their success later, but what other croc species has divided into the thousands modern day, but only been lower than 500 forty years ago?      It's a conflicting image. One side of the stereotype reads a blatant insult to the intelligence of the croc. It is a flat lie that they are simple starvation powered  with a capacity the width of a sewing pin. These animals are able to think, recognize, remember and most deadly of all calculate.      

   Brimm-Scales' situation is one of time, her, stomach, as well as her environment running scant. With her land being scrapped and grated away by humans, the same species that had the nerve to call her an "annoyance" she and other animals let alone crocodilians have no choice but to get more and more behind the heels of those human beings! 

Each year, thousands of acres of land where animals can take their refuge are cut and sliced for people, leaving these other creatures to shrug their hooves, paws, or claws, or wings, and risk being hurt all in the name of trying to find a few crumbs of food natural or human made and thrown in the trash.

For the first time in decades long, American Crocodiles are riding the current of singing numbers, but it's a reality more panicked for the species of other animals running around and around until the face a predicted extinction by scientists. The India Elephant, The Tiger, Mountain Gorilla, and the Orangutan are just a few that can be listed for uncertainty as to how much more their environments can take.

We know that humans have been tearing the roots out of several types of environments, be it forrests, sucking water from the swamps, or disceting some areas in a practic called fragmentation, which is paving roads where roads have not been.

Climate change has been a problem since the 1950's, but it's been taken on a serious note only within the last few years. And that means crocodiles in shiny areas have to be taken seriously too. Brimm was weak, barley able to swim, when she learned that the upright walking creatures were a walking food hoard! 


When ever she saw a human she knew good wouldn't be far away. They are every few hours, while healthy American crocodiles need only to eat for about a week until they start feeling hunger pangs again. She wanted this article to stress, Crocs if her species don't like confrontation with anything they at first think is two much a hassle. But, when they learn humans are easy to eat, all that goes a laugh out the window. Crocodiles will attack anything they know they that they can.

Brimm never hurt a human because she never got the chance. She was unlucky enough. All she had to do was wander her way into a crowded area full of humans and they did what humans do. Don't worry Brimm scales', story is just getting started. The part two of her story will be here later on. If you enjoyed hearing facts about crocodilians whilst enjoying a fictionalized account of some random American crocodile, subscribe and expect more videos on animals and story times about those animals! This has been humidity dragon, flying off for now.




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