Traxt The Dragon Is In!

 Traxt The Dragon is in.


Bascially: Wry, being the doting woman of the manor that she is, tires to get Bob used to the idea that Traxt is going to be the guard of both their home and them. When Traxt goes along with Bob and his friends at the golf-coarse, Traxt is an instant classic among Bob's buddies. Much to the old boomer's dismay.

(Wry is sitting at the dining table with her glasses on. Bob walks down-stairs and greets her in his full golf gear.)

Bob: Good morning Gul.

Wry: Oh good morning Bob dear. Leaving already? Don'tcha want anya' yer scrambled rasberries?

Bob: Not this time Wry, the guys and I are going to stop at the juice shop before the holes. I just need to find my.....

Wry: Oh, if yer lookin' fer yer sweater I washed it this morning. (She drapes it around Bob's shoulders.)

Bob: Oh Wry, you're just too good for me.

Wry: Oh hush. (She turns around to sip her cofee.) Is that why yer in such a hurry?

Bob: No, I just wanna get outa' here before.....

(Before Bob can finish his sentence, Traxt literally flies down the stairs, albiet quiet gracefully. Bob frowns.)

Bob: He shows up....

Traxt: (Who heard it.) Good morning Wry, B-Bob.....

Bob:(Turns away grumpily.)

Wry: Morning Traxt. I've got to run for a few hours, goin' ta' get some exercise. I can see you already dun' started.

Bob: Yeah, my house is not an airport.

Wry: (swatting Bob.) Hey, Bob you said you're going 'long with the guys, didn't ya?

Bob: oh......Wry.......

Wry: Well there's no reason why Traxt should muck round the garage all daty, let him come with you guys.

Bob: No! I'm sorry, but now i'm stomping my foot. Wry, you can bring a scaled stranger in my home, you can throw him at all our neighboors and have our reputation fumigated by letting him do his sour magic all over town, but he isn't going anywhere near me, my friends, or my golf coarse!

(Of coarse comedically, Traxt is riding in the car with Bob. If dragons could sweat, Traxt's scales would be beaded. Bob is crowched over the steering wheel. He car is adorned with sports memorobilia and the a.c. is blasting, though it is a cloudy day. They arive, and Bob is eager, Traxt can see to leave the big s.u.v. When Traxt gets out of the car, it comedically tilts to its side and back in it's stability. Bob's car alarms go off, causing Traxt to recoil, while Bob rolls his eyes.)

Man's voice: Hey Bob! 

(Bob turns around to see his two friends. Fred and Jim.)

Jim: Hey Bob! Never thought I'd ever see you get so slovenly.

Fred: Yeah, you're usually the first car in this lot.

Bob: That's because it was my turn to pay this month's private parking fee, not like you two can keep up with whoose turn it is.

Fred: Words like that aren't meant to be said on pave-ment. Let's get to the field before noon Bob!

Jim: You've got your gear right?

Bob: Coarse I do! (The old boomer pulls out a shiny golf club.) Never go any-field without her. You guys know that! Now let's hurry up-------

(Traxt's bulky frame comdeically settles into....frame. Bob's is horrified at the dragon his friends are now seeing.)

Traxt: Bill! Whew, there ya are. Seemed like you were kinda sprinting away from your car. I was tryin' to tell you that you've left behind your.....(he pulls out the medicine jar that Wry gave him.) Wry says you should take this before eleven.

(Bob is very embarassed, but Fred and Bill are awe.)

Bob: Ugh.....yeah okay th-thanks.(He takes the medicine.)

Bill: Bob, no wonder you got here at the crack of brunch. 

Fred: (To Traxt.) We're sorry, we woulda' brought more stuff if we knew Bob was bringing a guest to the golfin' coarse.

(The scene skips to everyone of the very large, and very hilly golfing feild.)

Bill: Aha! That's a whole! Let's see you do that!

(Bob tries his hand at a hole and gets it.)

Bob: Aha! I told ya guys, it's no use to try anything against my lucky club! Your go Fred.

Fred: No it's not. It's his turn! (motioning to Traxt.) Go ahead stranger, your putt. You do know how to play don'tcha?

Traxt: Oh dear.... Had I any idea I'd be participating in your sport, I would have tried to bring my own euqipment.

Fred: "Dosen't have his own equipment," You hear that Bill? Bob didn't even have the gall-stones to give the guy that guards his home a club! 

Bill: That's because they're sharing! Right Bob?

Bob: (Recoiling with sweat.) *Angrily walking to Traxt* 

(Traxt grabs the club and accidentally crushes it with his dragon's strength. He makes a hole in one....way over the feild....and outa it. Fred and Bill laugh with delight.)

Fred: Well I guess that's the whole day's wortha' scores taken care of!

Bill: You said it! 

Traxt: So.....I've won?

Fred: And how! Say, what's your name again? Come to think about it, we've heard alot about ya, but Bob never mentioned what yer name is!

Traxt: I've got lots of names depending on where-ever I am, but the name my father gave me is Traxt.

Fred: Well then Traxt, round here it's custom for who-ever watche some one win a game to buy the guy some food. 

Bill: Food? Good idea. Looks like the weather's pickin' up anyway. Whatcha think Bob? You hungry?

(Bob sobbing quietly.)

Bob: My club! She's been with me for over thrity years.....I've won so many college golf tournaments with her....she was right there beside me when I proposed to my Wry! And now....I'll get you fixed up, don't you worry.

Fred: Bob! C'mon before it washes us out. We're gettin' some food, you drivin'?

Bob: Y-yeah sure, what you guys feel like?

Bill: That isn't up to us, Traxt is chosing.

Bob: ........*sighs.*


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