Traxt The Dragon's New gig, book 5, Chapter one.

(Of coarse, it's another hot and humid costal night in the suburbs. Yet, Wry and Bob can't see the oak trees swaying in the night breeze, or hear how quiet their very small, and exclusive street is, all they can hear is the sound of Wry's relief at finally getting her secret kept now out, and Bob's disaproving out-rage at what the woman brushing her hair by the vanity is telling him. Wry, dressed in her pajamas, that mirror her style of classy and boutqie like brushes her long grey hair. Bob is on their bed under the thick green comphorter, stern as ever, but under his sterness....fear.)

Bob: Your friend's daughter turning into.....that wasn't your fault! Wry, I won't have you making escuses for that dragon!

Wry: But I'm not Bob. Her transformation was the result of a special type of potion, and just so turned that we had the ingredients to the potion in the house. (She covers her mouth.)

Bob: WHAT? Oh Wry, you can't be serious. You were

Wry: I told you I want to start practicing again.

Bob: No, this isn't you! This isn't my Wry, I'm going down to the garage and telling that free-loader he's got to go. Don't you get it? He's using his own magic to plant spells around the place and you're falling for it! He's got you under his dragon magic.

Wry: Bob, the only magic around here being used is by me! Traxt hasn't uttered a single magical sentence or put together anything more complicated than a cake recipe. I'm the one that made the potion.

Bob: But why? Why would you endanger everyone? Weren't you thinking?

Wry: I....I didn't know she would.....It's not like I had it out in the open! I hid it under the cabinedt where we keep the spices. No one was supposed to be in the kithcen during the party, I don't know how she got past me.

Bob: Well Wry, you've got to stop! You see how magic is just

Wry: know I've tried to stay away.....for years.......

Bob: You don't need magic to be who you are. You're good at so many things, dear. 

Wry: I know, and magic is one of them. But.....I know you're right too. I guess I can put it away. Everyone's saftey comes first. 

(Bob understand it's hard for Wry to stop something she's so passionate about. He embraces her, as she does to him. Meanwhile, we can see the garage's lights are still on, and Traxt, now fuming walking back and forth in his "room" is muttering words that can't be printed. Suddenly, into the room we see Vrultrec looking confident and smug.)

Vrultrec: Traxty! There he is, the dragon of the day! Some party, I tell ya. Didn't know humans knew how to throw a decent shin-dig.

Traxt: VRULTREC! I should grate off your scales and sell your horns to those sleazy commercial sales' companies! 

Vrultrec: Yeesh! What's with the teeth baring Traxty, I'm the one that wanted ya to carry out your mission!

Traxt: You ruined Wry and Bob's party! You couldn't make me drink what you mixed together, so you somehow slipped the trasnformation spell into the party, causing her to turn into a monster. Do you have any idea how hurt those humans could have been?

Vrultrec: Woah Woah, first of all, slipping something into some one's drink is something very serious, and I won't fly  here being accused. 

Traxt: Oh, no one said you had to! No matter where I'm at, or what lifestyle I assosciate myself with, I'm still the son of the rain-forest king, and I can still exercise my power as royalty. 

Vrultrec: Take it easy Traxty, I'm tellin' ya----

Wryth: Traxt, we didn't give any humans the spell.

(Traxt puts down the gagging Vrultrec.)

Traxt: But how did-------

Vrultrec: I wish I could help ya too, but it wasn't me, or us. We were  flabber-gasted  when we saw her tearin' the place. 

Wryth: Humans can't use magic can they?

Vrultrec: Coarse not. They can't even walk after they're born you think they can read a spell?

Traxt: There's been legends of humans that use magic, but it's about as rare as a bird with no wings. Heh heh, sorry. Guess I'm pickin' up the slang round these parts.

(Vrultrec rolls his eyes.)

Vrultrec: Obviously you left somethin' out, and the sheets of flesh got their weird clawless hands on it.

Traxt: I don't use magic anymore since I've left the kingdom. So how did.....

Vrultrec: Eh, maybe this is ona' those things it's best to just not worry round. Say, I wanna try that thing called "sugar" these guys can't go without.

Traxt: I don't think so.

Wryth: Why not? I heard that dry lava headed human say tyhey've got their own chef. Is sugar an endagered resource reserved for special meals?

Traxt: It's late, we're not going to bother the chef. I'm going to sleep.

Wryth: Oh I forgot, humans are the type that need hours of deep rest. Wow, they sleep EVERY night?

Traxt: That's right, and for me to preform this just to perfect capacity, I've trained myself to adapt to sleeping for eight hours a night as well. So, goodnight. That means leave.

Wryth: But Traxt, we're hungr-------

(Traxt closes the door on the two wyverns. The scene is now early in the morning. Wry is once again in the kitchen, but the only thing she's making is a smoothie on her very large and sleek current model smoothie maker overlooking her bay windows to the local lake. She turns and sees a sheepish dragon, who's obviousley still regretful of last afternoon's accident.)

Traxt: Good morning W-Wry.....

Wry: Oh Traxt! Good morning!

(In disguise, there is Vrultrec, and the other Wyvern Wryth sitting at a booth.)

Vrultrec: Just look at him Wry, yuking it all with those squishy scale-less paper toters! Meanwhile we're resorted to eating.....*he sees a waiter collecting the dirty dishes from the tables.) Hey, what's this stuff you guys are eating?

Waiter: (struggling to carry the heavy dishes) That's today's special, Salmon caviar sandwhiches served with a side of ostrich eggs over easy, and for the side dish, grilled raddishes with a sauce of wheat-grass.

Vrultrec: Ugh! Here we are eating GARBAGE while Traxt gets to eat under the roof of the closest thing this block's got to royal lineage! I suppose we might as well be drinking oil! Well I tell ya Wry, I think it's about time we let our Traxt know something he should have figured out centuries back.

Wryth:(With a mouthful of trash.) What's that?

Vrultrec: That he's not the only one who can do what it is he's doing! He's not the only one who can rub wings with those humans! Or eat their garbage! (he takes a half eaten food from the waiter's trash can.) 

Waiter: I-is there something I can start you two off with......?

Vrultrec: No, but there is something I can start off with for sure.........but since we're talkin' bout it, (he breathes fire onto the tray of food.) Cook yer breads with a bit more seer to 'em. 

(Traxt and Wry, now drained of her angriness by the power of cofee return. Traxt in a show carries the tray of foamy coffee cups with one hand a flutter. The guys break and begin smiling while drinking.)

Wry: Oh now look at that, you guys fixed up this farm as fancy as fried fish. I tell ya, how's bout a hot treat on me? 

Wryth: *eating a bug crazwling on a bush branch.* 


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