The Adventures of Crocess Cenelofie, lone human to lead the crocs and gators of the E.C.T.O.R ship!
"To Mend a Hippo's Heart."
2nd-Gator: Crocess....the time now is twenty point eleven thousand hours, that's when we start the day.
Crocess: Helm of the ECTOR ship, Crocess reporting for duty in....five more minutes....2nd........
Crocess: Gator........... 2nd-Gator: hmm.......
2nd-Gator: "Five more minutes" is the motto of lazies and lay-abouts.
Crocess: Now, that you are now fully awake, I would so hope,2nd Gator:I've saved time by already having Chef Swampo make the first meal of the morning. You can use this time he's cooking to get ready and looking the part of the ship's helm now. Hurry, hurry, the announcements must'nt be late!
And let's knock off the shivering shall we? One of the repercussions of having your own room with your own thermostat means adjusting to the temperature if you do not get yourself awake!
No, no a Ship's helm does not mispronounce the name of the area she's flying above.
No dear human, a ship's helm does not eat without utensils. Crocess: I am not
eating I'm just having a between missions drink.
2nd Gator: Are you
sure that's button you wish to press, Crocess?
Crocess....a ship's helm does not use that type of language!
Shot Gator: He....made you eat soap.
Crocess: Yeah, and all because I said, *alligator noise* I mean, I've heard him and other crocs on board say it loads a' times. Like when the tea-maker won't start in the morning sometimes, or when his suit gets a snag...
what does it mean anyway?
Shot Gator: *blushing* Ah! I-I'm afraid I've never heard that one before.
Crocess: Yeah well, it must've been bad enough for 2nd-Gator to banish me from the super-cool mission I'm supposed to be leading today.
Instead he's got me here doing stupid paper work with this office when I could be flying one of the mini exploration vessels!
Shot-Gator: I'm sure 2nd-Osteo Gator has a method to his-
The Adventures of Crocess Cenelofie in: To mend a Hippo's heart.
Cenelofie: Your, orders, Sir.
Hippo: (snoring.)
Cenelofie: Gasp!
Cenelofie: S-----Sir! Are you alright? Should I activate the emergency---------

Cenelofie: .............................................


Hippo: Gah! Ah! *Stumbling over empty boxes of food* H-Hippopotamus of the E.C.T.O.R. Exploration ship reporting for duty SIR!

Cenelofie: It's not my place or rank to correct you at all, Sir....but it's actually me who should be reporting to you......

Hippo:......... HI---REPORTING FOR.....DU....

Hippo: Oh,'s only you. Ah, always up bright and early. Like the helm of a ship should be.
Cenolofie: Sir, again with respect it isn't the's quite late. It'll be, zero point twenty thousand hours soon.
Hippo: Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Of coarse it is, Crocess! Ah, this is why I have you at the top of this float! Always gotta know the time it is, for your missions!

Hippo: And, (Hmph) speaking of...what happened to the last little "mission" I asked ya to get back here with?
Cenelofie: Well Sir, I am happy to report....

Cenelofie: I uh....kinda dropped it....when I thought you were in the throws of having a.....medical emergency.

Hippo: Ah, it's alright, there Crocess. Who knows, bit of floor smudges over cream might be somethin' I wouldn't mind to eat.

Hippo: Mph....this isn't even, (ravenous chewing) The right....flavor I requested!

*The sounds of Hippo at his rock bottom.*

Hippo: Crocess, tell that lazy chef to ring me on my communicator at once, I've got some swamp words to exchange with that alligator. That's an order!

Crocess: And an acceptable one, Commander Sir, but that's kind of the thing I've been wantin' to get at you about. Chef Swampo is no longer on duty. He clocked out more than ten hours ago. And....there's no more ice-cream onboard until he can have more delivered and that should take weeks.

Hippo: Of coarse.
Cenelofie: are okay, Commander Hippo, Sir?
Hippo: Id be ALOT better if that lazy Swampo-Gator knew what he was on the ship for!

Commander Hippo: T-Take my advise, young Crocess.....don't ever hire a buncha' alligators that couldn't even read b'fore ya taught them how to manage a whole sh---SHIP!

Cenelofie: I uh...can't say that I ever will Sir.

Cenelofie: So, am I free to go Commander Hippo Si----
Commander Hippo: You're free to go, young human. I shall greet you again when there is another mission that I need you and your crocs to attend....for me....Commander....H-Hi....
*He snores with his face down into the tub of sweet goop.* Cenelofie: Affirmative, sir.

Cenelofie: He was just there, marinating in tubs of sweets stacked to the ceiling.
Shot Gator: Being rendered as another peice of cargo here on the E.C.T.OR. has obviousley broken him.
Cenelofie: He isn't broken, Shot Gator he's sad. And of coarse he is!
Cenelofie: He's used to commanding whole fleets, dishing orders that others scramble to execute! And now, he's so out of his own helm, he's got no idea how to adapt to such this type of environment....he must feel so undignified.
Cenlofie: I (yaaawn) hate to say it.....but I think I'm actually gonna go to retire early.
Cenelofie: Shot-Gator.......

Cenelofie: You don't mind taking over duties while I retire sorta' early tonight, do ya?

Shot-Gator: What are the orders I await, Crocess?
*The Sound Of Cenelofie Snoring.*

Cenelofe: H-huh!
Cenelofie: Oh...thank you, Shot-Gator.
Shot-Gator: Of coarse, Crocess. If I may....I'd suggest you get the rest the head of the ship needs and now.
Shot-Gator: Ahem........And in a
bed, Crocess.
Celofie: .........
Cenelofie: They are just pajamas, 2nd-Gator!
2nd Gator: Now you March back into the utilities and get back into your day time attire at once! I will not repeat myself young mammal!

2nd Gator: My my! Don't we look better! Now that we're both finally dressed in the correct attire.
Ceneloifie: that I'm wearing my long scratchy work uniform, to go sleep.
2nd-Gator: Quite, dear human. Now, I do hope sleeping finds you well this evening. Good-night.
(As 2nd-Gator turns over, he is ready to fall asleep, though he hears a crunching noise. He turns over and it's Cenelofie and she is eating while watching t.v.)

2nd-Gator: CROCESS! I....thought you were ready for resting?
Cenelofie: But I always watch t.v. before bed!
cenelofie: That's right Sir!
Cenelofie: I.......see..............Sir.
Cenelofie: Alright, I ain't one for deforestation but it's obviously this chlorophyll sucker's got the commander in a delirious headlock! Do NOT tell the others but we're gonna go down to the kitchen and take Chef Swampo's hedge Wacker and------
Shot-Gator: But Crocess what if the Commander is actually clear headed, and he's telling you the truth. He is actually in------
Cenelofie:La La Laaaa Laaaa la! I will NOT hear this again, Shot Gator.
Crocess: Now please, Shottie, you're the only one I actually trust to help me with that Wacker.
Shot Gator: Crocess, creatures fall in love all the time.
Shot-Gator: More than half of the crew on board have significant others and clutches even!
Cenelofie: Yeah, and why do you think I trust you with the hedges? You and I are the only ones round here who aren't letting our heads get garbled with goofy brain chemicals!
Shot-Gator:If I do have the permission to speak, Id tell you that the reason why I recognize the agony of The commanders broken heart is because,
Shot-Gator:......I've been there. Cenelofie:
Shot-Gator! Are.....are you telling---------
Shot-Gator: Yes. I've been in love, and got my heart broken.
Cenelofie: I can't believe it! I just don't believe it! One of my confided crew members, coffered in their own....emotions! Ugh!
Alright.....fine......everyone makes mistakes......but......not the commander! Not him! Shot-Gator:
The crew is smarter than you think, Crocess if I can notice a heart that needs healing what makes you think everyone else doesn't see it?
Cenelofie: ......Fine. if it means getting 2nd Gator back.....we've gotta talk to him.
(Cenelofie walks into the helm where Hippo is staring into his wallet.)
Cenelofie: Sir..... Hippo:
Hm? Oh, hello once again Crocess. Cenelofie: Commander, I can't mince words anymore. Everyone on board says you're fallen in love with this.....vegetable woman! Is it true? Are love with her? Hippo: Hm.....who knew my ship of alligators and crocodiles were such gossips. Cenelofie: Not me! I was the one who kept on trying to tell to stop talkin' all that nonsense about how------ Hippo: I am in love with her. Still am after all these years. Cenelofie: So you WERE sober when I asked you. Hippo: Coarse I was. I didn't want her to see me the way you did. And everybody has. I was just wanting her to know that without her I'm just as okay as ever. But I know she knows the truth. I miss her. Cenelofie: I had no idea this was the whole problem....but we are here. You can just tell her. Hippo: Nah....not after all we went through. Id rather just take the ship and go back..... Cenelofie: Wede all rather take the ship and go back to our missions but it's kind of more complicated bow. She did trade the ship for---- Hippo: Osteoderming. Oh, I never wanted to get you mixed up in my...... Cenelofie: As the head of this crew, I'm honored to tare those leaves of her down, remember sir! Hippo: No Crocess. This is my issue. I'll be the one to get us Osteoderming Gator back.

Cenelofie: Oh!
2nd Gator: Perhaps the Commander would like a nice biscuit to compliment the first brew of the day?
Cenelofie: N-not that 2nd Gator flies the helm very often, Commander.
Plot: When Cenelofie learns that commander Hippo is all alone for the winter, (or whatever his species calls it) she decides that herself and the ECTOR crew are going to throw him a winter party!
(Crocess is sleeping in her bed, with her hair a rare sight. Instead of her two hair ponytails, it's down in all its green glory and covered by her neon bedding. She snores unware the the commander is about to call------)
Commander Hippo:
This the commander of the ECTOR ship, Hippo wishing to contact its helm, Crocess Cenelofie of the ECTOR.
*sleepily* Hm? Ah...C-crocess Cenelofie reporting for duty Commander Sir......
Commander Hippo:
At ease Crocess, for there are no missions I can refer to you today. I only call to wish you and your crew a happy winter holiday. You did give them their time off already didn't you?
Uh.....yeah. I did.
Commnader Hippo:
Great Crocess. Well again, before I do leave you to enjoy the month I'll wish you a time safe and carnival.
You too Sir, of coarse.
Commander Hippo:
(Comedically stops short with a twinkle in his very obviousley suprised eyes.)
Oh....w-why th-thank you, Crocess. That...heh....that means alot to this old herbivore.
Ah, y-yes sir.
(She pulls up her comphorter and begins to try to lay back down.)
Commander Hippo:
It's just that....I haven't heard anyone wish ME a happy anything in a long time......let alone a real happy winter! heh heh....
(Crocess' face is under her comphorter and she is very obviously annoyed and tired.)
Commander Hippo:
It's such an elation to actually hear it from some-thing that's not a phone......or an electro mail reminding you to tell your employees to clock out for the holiday to be with all their loved ones
(She stops herself at the Commander's frightened expression.)
It sounds like you're having a holiday by yourself?
Commander Hippo:
Of coarse I am, young Crocess. That's the life of one who commands a fleet of coarse! No time for singing holiday songs around a warm brew of pudding, or conversing in a cozy sweet smelling room with once a year delicacies.
Nonsense! You could celebrate here, with us, on the ECTOR. Y'know.....if you're able.
(A comedic shot of Hippo's messy desk full of unhealthy foods and an empty calander, as well as trash.)
Commander Hippo:
Well, I WILL have to move some very important dates, and I will try to reschedule several other things with the other commanders but......hey! It's not every helmsmammal that offers to celebrate an entire holiday with me, is it?
(Forcing a smile.)
Commander Hippo:
I'll be able to dock in a few hours Crocess. Oh! A winter outside of my office! I can hardly keep my ears still!
Crocess: I'll go tell the others. See you then sir.
(The computer goes blank and Cenelofie sighs.)
*All of the crocs and alligators gather and murmur to themselves as to the Crocess has gathered them there so early.*
Loopie Gator:
That Crocess better have a swamp's grade explanation as to why she's got us all out here at this hour! A princess needs her beauty sleep.
Indeed I do got one, Princess Loopie Gator.
Everyone.....I've got some good news. The good news is, Our commander's given us a whole month off because of a holiday he celebrates called winter. He's gonna be docking his ship into ours and we're all gonna help him celebrate it.
Random Croc:
Wow! Off for a whole month!
Random Alligator:
Yeah, but Crocess....if I have permission to ask, what is winter?
Huh, I was hoping you guys'd know.
Loopie Gator:
Well let's not all sit here wonderin' when we can call that fancy schmancy 2nd-Gatora' this place. If anyona' us don't know it, he's got to.
Oh yeah, he and the commander have known each other for years. He should know about Hippo's customs.
(2nd Gator is being chased by enemies. He dives and uses the ship's dragon like wings.)
Oh I just love that time of year! The chill in the air, the snuggling by the fire, the hours baking foods! Ah, it's been a while since I've been able to enjoy a winter myself, believe it or not, Crocess.
So you can help us?
Oh how I wish I could, but I am a bit busy with a mission of my own. But don't you or the crew fret. I can help you as much as I'm able right now. The best I can do, is send you the information via communicator. On the paper I'm shipping to you electornically, there are just a few jaw snaps of the basics to get you to begin to understand what the commander is Celebrating.
I, can't read this.
That's because it's all written in english, dear Crocess. It's the language the Commander grew up speaking. All you've got to do is run these papers through the ship's translator, and all the algea should be clear. Remember, where Hippo is from this one of the most celebrated holidays! You must make sure to follow everything to the snout to the punctuation!
*Cenelofie hangs up the communicator.*
Cenelofie: Yeah yeah.
(She stands infront of the crew.)
Cenelofie: Alright guys, I just got off the communicator with our 2nd in command. He's givven me the basics on this whole "holiday" thing. Before our vacation, it's our mission to make sure Commander Hippo expiriences one of the most authentic of Winters outside of where-ever it is anyone celebrates this stuff!
(The crew cheer and below in agreement.)
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