The Adventures Of Crocess Cenelofie:

Chapter One, Book 8.

"3rd in command."


(Takes a slow sip of his pudding after Swampo has poured it for him at the kitchen bar.)


So, that little human ain't so cut for the job, huh?


It's an adjustment, for the both of us, and I'd imagine everyone else on board. 

Swampo: Yeah, I'd sure say. (he swigs from the same bottle he pours.) Not everyone can take somethin' so deamin'. Being bossed around by somethin' that don't even lay eggs. At least me or the others ain't gotta see her everyday. I don't know how you could do it, Osteo.


Oh now, as per my duties to the E.C.T.O.R. I must serve who's at the helm, no matter what their species. But I'd lying if I told you it wasn't a challenge even for me.

Swampo: Yeah you know what they say about those creatures. They can't handle what we could, give her a few months she'll be gone outa here anyway! 


Not if I have anything to snap about it. I've left her to her own schedule of the day.

Swampo: Good idea. She'll double over in no time!


No Swampo, my plan was to get her aquainted with the same new job she's so happy and stretched at the shoulder about. She's exited about having a job in the skies, yet its equally important for her feet to be on the ground.


Ugh. I hear their feet don't even have webbing! Takes alot to bother old Swampo, but ya gotta admit that's creepy, ain't it not? (He takes another swig.)

2nd-Gator: (looking at his watch.)

Well, I do believe my break is over. Thank you for listening to me for the past few minutes Swampo.


No prob, Osteo. 



Yes, I WILL tell the commander you've been working overtime.


(Turning back to polish the drinking glasses.)

Old Swampo appreciates.

(2nd-Gator is walking back into the helm's room, Cenelofie is running around with stacks of papers and notifications making noise since she didn't get to check on them yet. She almost bumps into him, but stops and runs the other way.)


G'morning, 2nd-gator.


Oh I should say it as well. How is everything since I took my first break?


Uh, f-fine! 

(A notification from the main communicator makes lots of noise.)


Crocess, have you checked the main communicator at all this morning?


I was supposed to check that one?

2nd-Gator: Unshruggably.


Well I will! Soon as I fill out this paper work for that hot-air ballon that deflated during that one mission.


You mean the mission last-week? You haven't gotten to that yet?


I'm going to! I was in the middle of filling out that other paper-work for the wing of the ship that got busted. It takes a wh-while to go through all this y'know. Espechially if ya don't even speak the language written on the stuff!


Which reminds me, do not forget our lesson, same time. A little bit of extra hand-writing will give you some practice for what I'll be teaching you later. Oh, and dear Crocess, you should maybe try to answer your communicator.

(Cenelofie trips and paper goes everywhere, 2nd-Gator catches her.)


The one on your wrist.


(2nd-Gator wakes and of coarse is ready to start his day and job. He wears his orange pajamas, and looks at himself in the mirror. A quick shot of him in his now work uniform and a spritz of cologne before he walks out of the door, grinning to himself believing that the crocess has learned her lesson.)

2nd-Gator: (2nd-Gator enters looking oh so confident. He scans the helm room and talks to himself.) 2nd-Gator:         


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